We are a small team of hard-core quantitative experts, with many years’ experience in top-tier NL banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions.

We help financial institutions with the development, prototyping and implementation of new products/models/systems, as well as the validation, improvement and renovation of existing models/systems.

Our Services

Fulfill responsibilities and strengthen communication.

Consultation Service

Our expertise includes MtM pricing of trading accounts and bank account positions, various regulatory and non-regulatory risk models (e.g. FRTB, IRC, AVA, PFE, etc.), XVA, stress testing frameworks, backtesting of trading strategies, optimization of portfolio machine learning techniques in financial models, applications, etc.

Financial Software

We are constantly committed to the research and development of quantitative models based on traditional methods and cutting-edge methods. As a result, we've built useful and reliable tools that can help customers save development or validation time and increase efficiency.

Technology R&D

We continuously endeavor ourselves in researching efficient numerical solutions for practical problems, using both traditional and cutting-edge methods. The research results and benchmark models are transformed into prototypes and tools, which could help our clients for a faster model development and implementation cycle.

Our Clients​

Bank, clearing agencies, pension funds, brokerages, trading companies, financial software providers

About Us

We are a group of hardcore senior quant experts and quant developers with many years of experience in top Dutch banks and insurance companies. We build models with passion. A scientific yet pragmatic approach is something we are particularly proud of as a professional quantitative team.

Contact Us

Office Address:

Niasstraat 1, 3531 WR Utrecht, the Netherlands.


(+31) 0633 80 7226


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